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UBS shares 5 Broadgate Wellbeing Journey

Millions of employees spent around 90% of their time indoors. It is vital to create workplaces that can boost mental health and productivity by offering key facilities such as access to greenery and natural light.

UBS has put wellbeing at the heart of their new HQ, 5 Broadgate.7,500 sq ft of green roof space and 1,900 sq ft of planting, improving air quality, new health centres and 520 cycle spaces are some of the wellbeing facilities put in place at 5 Broadgate. Jason Clark, Executive Director - Regional Head of Property Management at UBS will discuss how 5 Broadgate has achieved their objectives to deliver the highest quality wellbeing and health initiatives dedicated to UBS employees.

Join WELLNESS18 on 6th June at 5 Broadgate to hear UBS’ Wellbeing Journey.

See speaker sessions confirmed here. Avoid disappointment, book now at the pre-programme rate till 16th April and save £100.

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