Bruceshaw - How to make wellness work
On the 12th July Bruceshaw hosted a ‘How to make wellness work’ debate with an expert guest panel in its new offices on Union Street,...

FUTURE Designs - Light Work Sleep Experiment
On Wednesday 20th June FUTURE Designs carried out an experiment at their Clerkenwell premises. FUTURE Designs appointed Dr Neil Stanley,...

Wellness Within the Workplace
CONFERENCE: 6th June 2018 UBS, 5 Broadgate, London, EC2M 2QS WELLNESS18 is a unique one-day event encompassing all aspects of wellness...

FM Magazine Australia - What really contributes to wellness in the workplace?
#well #empowerment #Wellbeing #wellness #Well #wellnesstogether #WellnessTogether #WELLNESS18 #Wellness #flexibleworking #agileworking...

UBS shares 5 Broadgate Wellbeing Journey
Millions of employees spent around 90% of their time indoors. It is vital to create workplaces that can boost mental health and...

EFFECTS OF BIODYNAMIC LIGHTING Future Designs Another study into tuneable lighting in educational premises by Russian outfit Lighting...

Research validates employee wellness as factor in company prosperity
#well #wellness #Well #wellnesstogether #WellnessTogether #WELLNESS18 #Wellness #Wellbeing #movement #lighting #storge #personalstorage...

WORKTECH Academy - Productivity paradox: no gains without workforce wellbeing
#well #wellness #wellnesstogether #Wellbeing #WORKTECH #Productivity #health #Health #workplace #Workspace

Workplace Insight - Working conditions and office design shown to impact on employee performance
#well #wellness #WellnessTogether #employee #performace #health #workplaceinsight #Well #workplace #workspace #officedesign #design

Mix Interiors - Be Well: But How?
#MixInteriors #Well #WellnessTogether #Wellness #Wellbeing #Health #Workspace #workspace #workplace #Workplace #BDG